Server Message Block (SMB)

    Server Message Block (SMB) is the protocol used by Windows for file sharing. It allows Windows computers to access the AppleShare IP server without special software. SMB works over TCP.

How Windows file sharing works with AppleShare IP

    When the user of a Windows client computer opens the Network Neighborhood window, the client computer asks the browse master (a computer on the local subnet that has a list of available servers) for Windows file sharing servers.

    If you want Windows clients to see your AppleShare IP server across routers (subnets), you need to set up name resolution service (WINS) on your Windows NT server and register the AppleShare IP file server with that service.

    If you don't see your AppleShare IP server in the browse master after you register it, check again at a later time. If there are many servers available on the subnet, it may take awhile for the AppleShare IP server to been seen in the browse master.

For more information


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